Council                                                           Agenda Item 60 


Subject:                    Timetable of Meetings for 2025/26


Date of meeting:    19 December 2024


Ward(s) affected:   All



Officer Amendment


To amend the recommendations set out in Paragraph 2 and update Paragraph 4 of the report that deletions are made as shown with strikethrough below and additional text are added as shown in bold italics below::


2.         Recommendations:


2.1      That the proposed timetable of meetings for the 2025/26 municipal year be agreed; subject to any necessary amendments following changes to the Constitution and/or committees’


2.2       The addition of one extra meeting for the Place Overview & Scrutiny and People Overview & Scrutiny committees, bringing the total to five meetings each.



4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options:


4.1             The proposedtimetable for 2025/26maintains a similarcycle of meetings to those in 2024/25. In summary, the proposals are: -


Full Council:

5 OrdinaryCouncil meetings,

plus the Annual Counciland Budget Council      7 meetings in total



Cabinet:                                                              11 meetings


Regulatory Committees:

Planning:                                                                   12 meetings


Audit, Standards & General Purpose:                   4 meetings

Licensing:                                                                  3 meetings



Licensing Panels:                                                    As required(avg. 3 per month)


Scrutiny Committees:

People Overview & Scrutiny:                              4 5 meetings

Place Overview & Scrutiny:                                4 5 meetings

Health Overview& Scrutiny:                                  4 meetings


Forums/Other Bodies:

Corporate Parenting Board:                                    4 meetings

Limited LiabilityPartnership Board                        Quarterly



Greater BrightonEconomic Board                        Quarterly

Health &Wellbeing Board:                                     4 meetings


4.2             The proposedtimetable for 2025/26provides for a total of 11 Executive meetings, 19 committee meetings, 12 14 Scrutiny meetings, 16 partnership and board meetings, excluding the number of licensing panels. (see Appendix 1).


Recommendations set out in Paragraph 2 and updated Paragraph 4.1 of the report to read if carried:




2.         Recommendations:


2.1      That the proposed timetable of meetings for the 2025/26 municipal year be agreed; subject to any necessary amendments following changes to the Constitution and/or committees’


2.2       The addition of two extra meetings for the Place Overview & Scrutiny and People Overview & Scrutiny committees, bringing the total to five meetings each.



4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options:


4.1             The proposedtimetable for 2025/26maintains a similarcycle of meetings to those in 2024/25. In summary, the proposals are: -


Full Council:

5 OrdinaryCouncil meetings,

plus the Annual Counciland Budget Council      7 meetings in total



Cabinet:                                                              11 meetings


Regulatory Committees:

Planning:                                                                   12 meetings


Audit, Standards & General Purpose:                   4 meetings

Licensing:                                                                  3 meetings



Licensing Panels:                                                    As required(avg. 3 per month)


Scrutiny Committees:

People Overview & Scrutiny:                              6 meetings

Place Overview & Scrutiny:                                6 meetings

Health Overview& Scrutiny:                                  4 meetings


Forums/Other Bodies:

Corporate Parenting Board:                                    4 meetings

Limited LiabilityPartnership Board                        Quarterly



Greater BrightonEconomic Board                        Quarterly

Health &Wellbeing Board:                                     4 meetings


4.2             The proposedtimetable for 2025/26provides for a total of 11 Executive meetings, 19 committee meetings, 14 Scrutiny meetings, 16 partnership and board meetings, excluding the number of licensing panels. (see Appendix 1).